Personal Development Coaching
Are you struggling through a new life transition?
Is your life feeling overwhelming or unmanageable?
Do you have lengthy to-do list but feel like you're never checking anything off?
Do you want to carve out more time for something important to you with goals and accountability?
Are you procrastinating, constantly feeling behind and wishing like there were more hours in the day?
Do you have a burning desire to achieve something on your bucket list but aren't sure how, when or where to start?
Personal Development Coaching offers support with:
Helping you identify your strengths and style.
Overcoming obstacles that are keeping you stuck and getting in your way.
Getting guidance to create actionable steps
Tools to better navigate the changes in your life to make it more manageable
Strategizing a game plan to move forward and get to where you know you want to go.
Parenting Coaching
This support provides insights for strategies on how to manage multiple responsibilities while juggling work life, home life and personal life.​
No two families manage life exactly the same way. Everybody has their own unique rhythm and style that works best for them, their kids, and their lifestyle.
Finding and maintaining work/life balance
Creating structure and routines
Positive discipline tools and techniques
Time management strategies
Managing multiple responsibilities
Stress management tools
Relationship and communication issues
parenting strategies
Giving yourself some grace!​

Career Coaching
Do you find yourself asking the question "what do I want to do with my life?"​
Do you feel unsatisfied by your current job and yearn for a more fulfilling and meaningful career?​
Do you enjoy your job but struggle to communicate with your manager, team members or your employees?​
Are you longing for more balance with your personal life and work life?
Career Coaching offers support with:
Discussing job challenges and issues to discover solutions and become more effective.​
Getting feedback from a Certified Professional Resume writer, to update your resume and start applying for positions.​
Participating in interview preparation with a former Recruiter to feel confident and prepared for your meeting with the hiring manager.​
Tapping into your potential, so that you can discover and seize the many opportunities that lie ahead.​
Defining your vision and developing a strategy for making it a reality.